Paul Hansbury3 days ago8 min readON BETRAYAL AND HOPE: UKRAINE'S FUTUREMany think a betrayal is coming. Ever the contrarian, I offer three reasons why the US and its allies might not abandon Ukraine under Trump.
Paul HansburySep 236 min readAMERICA AND CHINA: TWO WAYS FORWARDBeneath the veneer of bipartisan consensus in the US, the Democrats and Republicans have different positions on China.
Paul HansburyAug 104 min readARGUING WITH ORBANViktor Orban continues to complicate EU policymaking on Ukraine and Russia. What is to be done?
Paul HansburyFeb 145 min readTHE IDIOTS (I): A NOTE ON TRUMP AND CARLSONDonald Trump is wrong to assert America's NATO allies 'free-ride'; his rhetoric damages the alliance more than inadequate spending.